Dear Readers,
Welcome to the first monthly income update post on this blog! For those of you who are new here, I try and post updates regarding how the portfolio performed during the previous month. Portfolio performance is measured on the basis of a sole metric: dividend income earned for this month, possibly how does this compare to the previous month and if there is something that looks odd i.e. does the cash-flow generated by the portfolio seem in good shape and health.
Let’s dive in!
Dividends Received
I received dividends from the following tickers:
JPM 0.00%↑ : JP Morgan Chase
PEP 0.00%↑ : Pepsi Co.
O 0.00%↑ : Realty Income
ADC 0.00%↑ : Agree Realty
CTRE 0.00%↑ : CareTrust REIT
TD 0.00%↑ : Toronto-Dominion Bank
On a YoY basis, there was a considerable drop in the monthly income received. On closer look, I noticed a couple of reasons for this drop:
Some companies (for eg. PEP 0.00%↑ ) have moved their payout dates slightly such that it falls within a different month.
I happened to receive a special dividend from COST 0.00%↑ at the same time last year. This was a massive special dividend, $15/share. No such joy this year though.
If I back out those one-offs, the portfolio health is still in decent shape and it is performing as expected.
Among all the tickers mentioned above, JPM 0.00%↑ has skyrocketed in share price growing almost 57% in the last year. And remember, it was not long back when we had some serious questions about the health of the large banking and the banking sector in our country. How times change!
Among the other tickers, PEP 0.00%↑ has really really struggled off late in terms of share price appreciation. They recently announced their Q4 results and their latest 10-K is out as well, so I will be studying the earnings call transcript and their 10-K and discuss these results here to ascertain if there is something fundamentally wrong with this Dividend King.
Buys and Sells during this month
No Sells during this month.
As far as buys, I added to the following positions: CVX 0.00%↑, DUK 0.00%↑ , JNJ 0.00%↑, KR 0.00%↑ , PEP 0.00%↑ , AOS 0.00%↑ , SO 0.00%↑ , TGT 0.00%↑ , UNH 0.00%↑ , HSY 0.00%↑ and ABBV 0.00%↑ .
Another month is in the books. My dividend portfolio is chugging along and doing its thing. I have several annual reports to analyze. If something stands out and peeks my interest, I will share my thoughts here.
See you in the next post!
Can you talk about why you bought some of these tickers this month like CVX for example when they are cutting thousands of jobs?